Outage Information
2021-06-15 13:15:03.024000
Automatic Outage: Radials older than 12 hours. Operator should investigate.
Automated Bot

2021-06-15 15:22:41.259000
Michael Smith

2021-06-18 02:15:02.511000
Outage cleared automatically. Radial files have caught up since initial reporting
Automated Bot

2021-08-26 15:36:35.267000
2021-06-10 18:53 UTC codar visited site due to overheating. found air conditioner blowing hot air and it's electronic display screen and buttons not functioning. replaced AC with new IQ5000V16 unit and plugged it into isobar surge stip and closed enclosure after turning transmit back on. after a few minutes, the ac tried to turn on its compressor and begin cooling, but it immediately beeped and displayed a warning error message that indicates it was not getting proper voltage (could be too high or low, it doesn't have separate codes). I noticed voltage going it UPS fluctuating a lot, even when the AC was unplugged from isobar. I tried running the AC off the UPS, but the the compressor would try to start, it would cause an error on the UPS which would then need manual clearing. I spoke with lifeguards and they are having electrical problems too, and the township is aware and supposed to be working on fixing them today or tomorrow. I am leaving the AC plugged into the isobar for now, and the UPS is also plugged into the isobar, and the webpowerswitch is plugged into the UPS. I am setting transmit to off, AND used the WPS to cut power to the tx outlet for now. Will stay in contact with township and repairs to electrical. Handel
Teresa Updyke

2021-08-26 15:36:58.558000
2021-06-24 21:10 UTC codar Had lifeguards plug back in air-conditioning unit after electrical panel was replaced by electricians. Turned transmitter and transmit back on for now, but electrical work is continuing with pending replacement of overhead lines. Will monitor site. Handel
Teresa Updyke

2021-08-26 15:37:30.658000
Status switched to 'Closed'
Teresa Updyke